Insertion of Costa Rica in Global Value Chains: A Case Study


Publicado originalmente por el BID. Ver link de origen.


This study sheds light on how Costa Rica's insertion in global value chains occurs by examining governance patterns, the type of activities involved, and the level of underlying innovation in the selected value chain. The paper describes in detail two case studies of electronic-related companies in the aeronautic GVC that operate in Costa Rica as suppliers of global players in this industry. The final objective of the research is to contribute to the understanding of how public policies can be employed to improve Costa Rica's exporting and innovating performance.

Sandro Zolezzi

Chileno-Costarricense. Ingeniero Civil-Industrial con énfasis en optimización de recursos de la Universidad de Chile, con una Maestría en Administración de Negocios con énfasis en economía y finanzas del INCAE Business School de Costa Rica.


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